Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Verdict Is...

I LOVE this Self-Tanning Spray!

It's the  L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Pro Perfect Salon Airbrush Self Tanning Mist in Medium Natural Tan.

Now I've treid Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer. You know, the one you put on your legs as lotion and in just 3 days, you get a natural looking tan? I am a fan of that as well. But I needed a tan ASAP for a roof top pool party in Hollywood and I needed it fast. I don't know about you, but if I am ever feeling bloated or feeling fat, I always think a tan makes you look slimmer and sexier! "Tan fat looks better than white fat" is how the saying goes!

Needless to say, I needed this tan and I wasn't about to go to tanning bed or pay $40 for a spray tan at a fancy salon when I knew many of you would love a review on an affordable spray tan!

This one works. I promise. In less than an hour you get a nice glow started. I did two coats yesterday. One after my shower yesterday and another one right before I went to bed. Then I did another coat this morning around 10:30am. By 1pm, on the pooltop, I had a stellar tan going!

Hard to tell here, but we were definitely the sexiest people there. I may be biased though.

Anyway, it retails about $8.00 at your local drugstore.

It's so easy to use. You just spray it on yourself in a circular motion arms length away. There is no making mistakes. You can't use too much or too little. Unlike the lotions it doesn't streak or get cakey around the knees/ankles/elbows etc.

I can't recommend it enough! Really I can't. If you want a safe alternative to the sun, with quicker results, this is the product for you.

If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please subscribe to my channel and write me a note. Or drop me a line on facebook or twitter, instagram, and soon to be youtube!

Got some exciting reviews and tutorials planned for next week! Happy Memorial Weekend!

Stay Beautiful.


Amelia St. John

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